Preserving Our Rural Heritage

The City of Lula has a rich heritage of being an agricultural community.  Whether a lush vibrant home garden providing delicious produce, a local fruit tree orchard, honey bee hives, or just green space, too often these assets have lost priority for the sake of progress.  As local small farm owners, Tony and his wife Amy have a true heart for agriculture, understanding its value to Lula and the leadership that is required to ensure this enriching feature is not lost and forgotten.

Smart Business Growth

Growth and development is driving toward the City of Lula faster than a Norfolk Southern train loaded with freight!  The fact is that our city resides right next to two critical rail-lines, and that is precisely where large business and industry want to be.  To some developers, we as citizens may be seen as no more than an inconvenient nuisance.  We need a voice at the table that can offer alternative solutions that can protect the citizens of Lula and propose win-win solutions.  As councilman, Tony can be that voice that brings smart growth that benefits us all.

Smart Business Growth

Growth and development is driving toward the City of Lula faster than a Norfolk Southern train loaded with freight!  The fact is that our city resides right next to two critical rail-lines, and that is precisely where large business and industry want to be.  To some developers, we as citizens may be seen as no more than an inconvenient nuisance.  We need a voice at the table that can offer alternative solutions that can protect the citizens of Lula and propose win-win solutions.  As councilman, Tony can be that voice that brings smart growth that benefits us all.

Making Data-Driven Decisions

Decisions are made  by the City of Lula everyday.  Which vendor proposal to accept, what contract requirements to submit, whether money should be allocated for a new project, are all questions that must be answered to keep our city operating.  The tendency under time constraints is for representatives to make decisions based on intuition or observation which can often lead to poor results.  As a trained Six-Sigma and LEAN certified professional, Tony brings business acumen with real-world experience to introduce tools to our council when making decisions that affect each one of us.

Long-Term Capital Planning

Whether replacing water-pumps, vehicle fleet maintenance or resurfacing tennis courts, how to pay for things is a difficult topic to discuss. Spending on items with the loudest voice or in dire need of repair or replacement is not part of a smart financial plan.  Tony understands that hiring engineers and analysts to plan for spending can sometimes be wasteful as well.  Gathering the correct data, prioritizing projects, involving stakeholders, seeking funding options along with an action plan are all part of Tony’s knowledge and experience that we need.

Long-Term Capital Planning

Whether replacing water-pumps, vehicle fleet maintenance or resurfacing tennis courts, how to pay for things is a difficult topic to discuss. Spending on items with the loudest voice or in dire need of repair or replacement is not part of a smart financial plan.  Tony understands that hiring engineers and analysts to plan for spending can sometimes be wasteful as well.  Gathering the correct data, prioritizing projects, involving stakeholders, seeking funding options along with an action plan are all part of Tony’s knowledge and experience that we need.

Parks & Recreation

Ensuring the health of families and our youth are essential, and parks are vital to meeting that need.  Parks and recreational facilities benefit the quality of life in our community.  While we may sometimes forget their value, Tony is dedicated to encouraging the use of our parks and ensuring new ideas and improvements from our citizens get the funding and representation needed to continue this benefit to all.  

Employee Development

Tony understands the tremendous value that can be gained by life-long learning and education.  Offering employee special training is not only an investment in the advancement their careers, it also adds value to our city operations.  Training and development  increases employee retention, can ingnite innovation and introduce leadership opportunities that benefit our entire community.  As councilman, Tony will drive common-sense initiatives to ensure all of our city employees have the skills necessary to serve our community.


Employee Development

Tony understands the tremendous value that can be gained by life-long learning and education.  Offering employee special training is not only an investment in the advancement their careers, it also adds value to our city operations.  Training and development  increases employee retention, can ingnite innovation and introduce leadership opportunities that benefit our entire community.  As councilman, Tony will drive common-sense initiatives to ensure all of our city employees have the skills necessary to serve our community.


Preserving Our Rural Heritage

As local small farm owners, Tony and his wife Amy have a true heart for agriculture, Click below to see how Tony will work to preserve our rural heritage.

Preserving Our Rural Heritage

Countdown To Election Day








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