Inland 365 Business Center Update

by | Nov 23, 2022 | Planning Commission

Inland 365 Business Center Update

I would like to take a moment to provide this update regarding the current status of Burton Drive as it relates to the Inland 365 Business Center development.  On November 9, 2022, the Hall County Board of County Commissioners upheld the recommendations of the Hall County Planning Commission and approved the development with 13  required conditions.  Condition No. 4 states “Burton Drive shall not be closed to thru traffic.”  I would like to thank Shelly Echols, who came to visit the City of Lula on November 8th, discussing issues and confirming the citizen’s concerns regarding the project.  Former City of Lula Council Member, Mordecai Wilson also came to speak in  favor to uphold the planning commission’s recommendations.  Thanks is also in order for Hall County Commissioners Richard Higgins, Kathy Cooper, Billy Powell,  and Jeff Stowe for their unanimous vote upholding this recommendation.  Additionally, I thank the Planning Commission members Mr. Chris Braswell, Ms. Gina Pilcher and Mr. Stan Hunt for their creation of the 13 required conditions. Minutes from the Planning Commission meeting held October 3, 2022 were as follows: Public Forum: Dennis Bergin, City of Lula, spoke in opposition. Concerns were future use and transportation funding. Tony Cornett, Lula, spoke in opposition. Concerns were road closure and traffic. Amy Cornett, Lula, spoke in opposition. Concerns were road closure, traffic, and accidents. Jo “Joey” Ellen Bradley, Lula, spoke in opposition. Concerns were road closure. Planning Commission Comments: Mr. Braswell stated that the staff report and narrative were very detailed. Ms. Pilcher stated that Burton Drive is a very convenient road for residents. Mr. Hunt questioned if truck traffic was prohibited in the City of Lula. Mr. Bergin stated it was. Conditions: 1. The development shall conform substantially with the submitted site plan, narrative, and restricted covenants or specific requirements of the end user. 2. Except as specifically varied, the Gateway Standards shall apply to the proposed lots 12, 13, and 14 which abut GA 365, with the exception of the tilt up concrete construction and TPO roof systems that shall be allowed. An alternative shall be that if there is a 100 foot buffer established from the right of way of GA 365 that GCOD standards shall not be applied to these lots. 3. The applicant shall coordinate driveway placement and required road improvements with Hall County Engineering and GDOT. 4. Burton Drive shall not be closed to thru traffic. 5. The applicant shall coordinate the project with GDOT as it relates to GA 365. 6. The applicant must satisfy Hall County public water and sewage requirements prior to final plat approval or development of any individual lots. 7. Each individual lot shall obtain the appropriate land disturbance permit, and building permit prior to commencing the land use. 8. Development Restrictive Covenants shall be recorded prior to release of final plat. 9. All conditions of Zoning shall be placed on the final plat. 10. The permitted uses 29, 30, and 42 shown on the “Exhibit A” shall be subject to Planning Commission and Board of Commission approval. 11. Crematoriums shall be specifically excluded as an allowable use. 12. Front building setbacks along Highway 52 shall be 100 feet from the center line of the street or 75 feet from the property line whichever is greater. 13. Parking space requirements and parking lot design shall meet Hall County guidelines.


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