Gainesville Times Response

by | Nov 3, 2022 | News Publications

Response to Gainesville Times Published Oct. 26-27, 2022

People have asked if I would post the entire response that was provided to Gainesville Times.  The article, by reporter Brian Wellmeier, was published and appeared in the October 26-27, 2022 Midweek edition of Gainesville Times – The Times.

 Here is the full unedited response I provided below:

  1. What would you like to see Lula look like in 10 years?  

2032 may seem like a distant date, but that vision must begin now for it to become a reality.  I would like to see Lula continue its journey as it becomes an ever increasingly vibrant community complete with sidewalks and greenspaces for families to take an enjoyable walk together.  A place where friends can gather and meet for lunch at a local eating establishment.  Or even stroll past a dog park on their way to the fountains at Veterans Park.

  1. If elected, what’s your top priorities for the city?

The tenets of my campaign are Family, Community, and Small Business.  Those are my top priorities for the City of Lula.  I will work to ensure that our city is committed to providing and encouraging new opportunities to strengthen families through places to play and exercise as well as continue to host and support fun activities and events such as ‘Railroad Days’, ‘Family Fun Day,’ and Historical Society of Lula Bellton’s ‘Lula Fall Festival.’  I will work to encourage community development through partnerships with local schools, businesses and civic organizations to offer training, enrichment programs, digital literacy, safety education, volunteer opportunities, and more.  Additionally, I will work to strengthen Lula’s commitment to small business by speaking directly and routinely with existing small business owners to identify unmet needs and opportunities such as utility improvements, pedestrian traffic concerns, and guidance for regulatory and compliance matters.  Addressing these topics and more will allow the City of Lula to become more competitive in attracting the right mix of businesses and services our residents are seeking.

  1. What are your thoughts on economic growth and development in the city?

With Georgia Port Authority’s $47M grant from U.S.DOT – INFRA, the creation of the Inland Port near White Sulphur Rd. will increasingly drive more development in the manufacturing and logistics sectors along SR 365 through Belton Bridge Rd. and beyond. The push for industrial parks and work-force housing needs will be a continuous issue the City of Lula will need to be prepared to address.  Lula city council, and planning commission will need to have a proactive approach through the implementation of Future Land Use maps as part of a robust comprehensive plan to help guide this development.  When I speak to Lula residents, there are mixed opinions regarding where development activities should occur within the city.  Lula has unique challenges for growth due to its proximity to Norfolk-Southern Railway but with productive discussions, I am confident planning can occur that will allow for growth while also preserving our rural heritage.  Residents have also expressed their favor for more traditional housing development over densification such as apartment buildings and townhomes and I echo that sentiment.

  1. Why are you a better fit for office than your opponent? 

I will not discount my opponent because that is just not my style.  I am sure he is great in his profession and I respect that.  What you need to know is that within a few short weeks after moving to Lula from nearby Dacula 4 years ago, I have attended every city work session and city council meeting possible.  I have been there when there were only 4 citizens including myself in attendance, and when topics such as the Maiden Ln. planned urban development brought in more concerned citizens.  I continue to attend all of these meetings because I am passionate and care deeply about the city of Lula, we all call home. What I find odd is that I never saw my opponent at any of these meetings until he appeared at the Work session held on September 12th, which was a mere 38 days ago.  I, however, have the benefit of being able to tell you with greater detail about who said what and when it was said which goes beyond what city council minutes could ever tell.  For instance, I can tell you that a simple complaint about a rat problem that went from one landlord’s property to an adjacent property, morphed into a nearly 18 month discussion, then brought about the term ‘derelict property’, which then brought about new ordinance and judiciary requirements, which then created a new full time paid position for codes enforcement that residents voiced hesitation and concern about, which unbeknownst to the public was then issued marshall status when that designation was not brought to the public so they could tell council how they may have felt.  That story continues to amaze me as it is still making headlines and is now requiring funds to investigate allegations of inappropriate conduct that spans multiple offices within the City of Lula when the root cause, in my opinion, is the demonstration of proactive policing for enforcement, when council clearly stated that would not be the case or allowed in order to appease the concerns of the citizens.

To quote a saying, “What’s done, is done.”  Now we must fix it and I assure you I am the better candidate to do just that.  I have enjoyed serving with over 20 years experience solving some of the most complex operational problems for the world’s largest telecommunications company that had part of its origins as BellSouth, right here in neighboring Atlanta, GA.  Each and every year, I grow as a life-long learner continuously training new skills as they develop in the areas of financial and business acumen, negotiation, gaining consensus, and new product development.  These are business skills that directly translate into effective use in governmental settings.  Additionally, I am a project manager and cybersecurity professional delivering network communication solutions keeping organizations around the globe connected.  What our City Council needs is someone who can stay ahead of the development trends, develop inter-agency relationships with Hall County and Banks County to ensure we advocate for our citizens to receive the services they provide and have been paid for. We need someone who can effectively communicate the upcoming concerns to the public and proactively seek their opinions so we can execute quickly and in accordance with the wishes of the citizens.  We need someone who will cultivate new ideas from the citizens and then champion those ideas by gathering the necessary data to properly evaluate proposals rather than waiting for someone else to do the work.  How can you expect to make decisions if you are not willing to take the time required to fully understand the situation and gather intelligent actionable data?  We need someone who can quickly evaluate all possible risks of any proposed decision and make modifications and recommendations that would be the most beneficial to all of Lula while minimizing risks that could result in failure or even worse, legal costs.  I, Tony Cornett, am your candidate that can achieve all of those things mentioned.  And if we address these things in the proper manner and focus on being efficient with our spending, rather than entertain grandiose plans that introduce a duplication of services, we can continue to roll back our property tax millage rates each year as we have been without passing those costs onto our citizens.

  1. Any message to voters?

Some may be asking, “Have I ever met Tony Cornett?”  It is likely we have met.  When I am not at City Council Meetings having concerns and procedural issues addressed, you may have seen me volunteering as I operate the sound equipment at Memorial Day and Veterans Day events, Lula Car Shows, and Christmas In Lula the past couple of years. I am that same guy!  I will leave you with this request.  Please know there is a great deal at stake here in Lula with this upcoming election.  This is not an aimless endeavor and I would never approach serving in this position without a plan. I sincerely and humbly ask for your support and your vote so that I may serve you and we can achieve this vision as a community.  I vow to represent all citizens of Lula regardless of which district you reside.  I commit to being available and those interested can always get current information from my website at

– Tony Cornett


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